"Don't focus on cutting back your time on the internet, focus on building a life that doesn't make you to spend your 8 hours on it." Such good advice that I'm taking with me today.

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I've had good results with deleting all social media apps from my phone. I can visit Facebook from my computer, but I find that on the desktop I get bored with it almost immediately, probably because the addictive little videos don't autoplay.

And I recently resurrected my vintage Kindle, the one that doesn't do anything besides books; started going to the library weekly and borrowing physical books; purchased a $40 wristwatch so I'm not constantly picking up my phone to check what time it is or set a timer or alarm; and the other day it occurred to me that maybe I should get an actual camera - because let's face it, 90% of the reason I carry my phone with me is because I like taking photos.

I do need my smartphone for work, so I guess I can't downgrade to a dumb phone - although maybe I could get one that would be my "personal" phone and make the smartphone into my "work" phone. Remember when we used to have an office number and a home number?

Another thing I am going to start doing is writing letters. My Gen Z daughter told me that when she was planning a large social event with her friends, they all wanted her to send physical invitations rather than an Evite. They all found it absolutely thrilling to get something in the mail that wasn't junk or an invoice. That made me remember how much I loved getting letters back in the days before email, so I thought maybe it's time to resurrect that practice!

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I love all the swaps you made! And yes to more letters! I have one friend who sends us little small valentine's or just a little note to say hi. I have another who sends me postcards from wherever she goes. They make my day so much brighter.

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These are a good mix of solid reminders and new ideas, thank you for sharing! I use both OneSec and Forest to help block apps/reroute to better options to spend my time, but they only work as far as I have better things to do instead of scroll, like one of the tips mentioned :)

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I haven't heard of Forest! I'll have to check it out!

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Highly recommend! Been using it for 10 years, and their Chrome extension too :)

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