I started using dating apps in my early 20s. I’m 35 now. I haven’t used dating apps for a few years now because of how awful they used to make me feel, and unfortunately I didn’t meet anyone I truly connected with. They definitely make meeting people you wouldn’t normally connect with easier, and I know some people who have met their partners on Tinder, bur on the while, I don’t they’re worth it. I loved that group you mentioned at the start of the post, the ones who opted for flip phones and dumb phones. I’ve wanted to get a dumb phone for a while but I know I rely on my smartphone too much.

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Such a good point about meeting people you might not have without the apps. I read one interesting article about this -- how before phones our communities were almost predetermined. With technology, this is no longer the case. I see the benefits, but it's also likely lead to the degradation of a traditional and supportive community.

I hear you on the dumbphone. I romanticized it for years, but ultimately, I determined the real solution was learning to use my smartphone like a tool instead of letting it take control of me. It's ok to rely on your smartphone, but there's a healthy way to do it!

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I like how practical and encouraging you're being. Thanks so much!

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