This hits close to home - I tend to rationalize my internet usage as "but I'm doing research!" And it is true, I love researching things and doing deep dives into various subjects. However, there's a time and a place. Lately I've been curtailing my screen time in favor of reading actual books again. I remembered that I can go to the library and borrow all the books I want, for free. At first it was hard to read a book again; I kept wanting to pick up my phone and look things up while I was reading. However, now I think I've rediscovered the ability to focus on the written word, without any links to click on.

Along the lines of "don't pick up your phone constantly," I found myself thinking "but I need to pick up my phone and see what time it is!" However, that often leads to mindless scrolling. If only there was a way to check the time without using my phone! Then I remembered that there is a device called a "wristwatch," and that they are readily available for not very much money. So, now when I need to check the time or set a timer or alarm for myself, I use my wristwatch instead.

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Yes!! I've been in the market for a good watch because same! It's silly how something so mundane can just suck you in to checking "just one more thing"

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This is so resonant. I ask Siri dozens of questions a day. I would add using phones to obsessively record or log info probably functions very similarly.

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Oh this is such a good point. Do you mean things like the Health apps/food intake or is there other things you log too?

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Those things, and incessant photo taking. ( the Hoarding and recording of memories.) A feeling that with this tool you can come close to never missing or losing anything. I also record my purchases and ideas so as to never forget anything …

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The photo taking!

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Boredom is where the magic happens!

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