Digital detox
Introducing the Break Free from the Internet Digital Detox. Learn how to reshape your relationship with technology and begin using your phone as a tool. This 35-day email course will break down the steps you need to take to make real, long-lasting changes to your habits.
Are you ready for a change? Tired of picking up your phone infinite times a day? Of spending time with friends just scrolling next to each other? Sick of that gut feeling that doom scrolling is wasting your time? Afraid to face the truth and peek at your daily phone usage? Do you always talk about quitting social media, but find yourself unable to really pull the trigger?
Take the next step towards the future you want to be living. Reshape your relationship with technology, and learn to use your phone as a tool. Become a paid subscriber today, and get access to the 35-day Digital Detox, along with two exclusive essays and the community chat.
What’s included in the detox?
The Digital Detox is a 35-day email course that will help you detox from your unhealthy phone habits, take back control of your devices, and learn to use your phone as a tool. It consists of 4 sections, listed below.
Week one: Setting the foundation | Prepare to change your phone habits.
Week two: Making changes | Start the real detox - no social media, no gaming, no entertainment, no fluff.
Week three: Gaining momentum | Continue the detox and layer in more challenges.
Week four: Taste the freedom | Finish the detox strong.
Week five: Creating a new baseline | Set new boundaries for your relationship with your devices.
What can I expect?
Each week, you’ll receive between 2-4 emails guiding you on steps to take to reshape your relationship with technology. The first week will be spent preparing for the detox. Weeks 2-4 are the guts of the detox, and the last week is for easing back in and setting a new baseline.
Is this a complete technology detox?
The overall goal of the detox is to learn to use technology as a tool. The main focus will be reshaping your habits on your phone since that is the most common culprit of unhealthy behaviors. You’ll still be able to use technology that serves you, we are just eliminating the extra stuff.
Do detoxes really work?
The goal of the Break Free from the Internet Digital Detox is to reset your baseline and begin using your phone as a tool. It’s not a “break.” The intention is not to take three weeks off, then go back to doing things the way you were before.
This detox will not work for you unless you’re ready to make real, lasting change. This means:
Going into the detox with a growth mindset.
Preparing to commit yourself to the detox.
Dedicating the time and energy to participating in the entirety of the course.
Planning to change your habits for the long-run.
Can I participate in the detox if I use social media for my job?
Yes! I include info about this within the detox. If you use social media for your job, then it’s a tool for you. You need to learn how to create proper boundaries around it so you’re using social media to serve you, not the other way around.
Can I repeat the detox?
As long as you are a paid subscriber, you can of course repeat the detox. To do so, please contact me at with the subject line RESTART.
When does the detox begin?
Within 24 hours of becoming a paid subscriber, you’ll receive your welcome email to the detox. If at any point, you want to pause your progress or start fresh, directions to do so will be included at the bottom of the email.
Does the detox include additional support?
As a paid subscriber, you’ll always have access to the community chat, where both I and community members can help you with any specific problems that are arising during your detox. You can also DM me through Substack chat or email at
Curious if the Detox really can make a difference in your life?
Julie from This Might be Cringe outlines her experience participating in the detox course below:
Or you can take the word from my unsubscribers:
If you’re running into any issues with getting the course in your inbox, please first check your spam folder. If the email is not in your spam folder, contact me at